Mom. Dad. Runaan.
I love you,
and I haven't forgotten about you.
I don't know if you can hear me. But I miss you so much...
Hi, Bait.
Just sitting here talking to money.
Nothing to worry about.
I will find out what happened to you.
I will help you.
This is my sacred promise.
- Who were you just talking to? - Uh...
Hmm. So, did you just make Bait a sacred promise?
I feel stuck, Callum.
I know we're supposed to be waiting for Ezran
to return from his big dragon mission,
but I feel helpless.
We're not helpless.
I'm spending every waking hour in the library.
How's that supposed to help?
Do not ask how the ocean's blue,
or why the tides their time do keep.
To love is simply to know this:
The tides are true as the ocean is deep.
Is that A Big Book of Ocean Poems?
It's got everything from ocean odes to salty sonnets to sea shanties.
I'm trying to get myself in a place
where I can connect with the ocean arcanum.
You could take a bath.
But yes! That's where I read my poems.
I'm sure the poems are real nice,
but maybe you could use your library time on something a bit more... practical?
Practical? Like what?
Claudia and Viren have the map.
They're two steps ahead.
If we can't stop them from freeing Aaravos,
we're going to need to know one thing.
How do you kill a Startouch Elf?
We haven't moved an inch in days.
We got the map to Aaravos' prison,
but what good does that do us if we're stuck right here?
The map says it's not that far.
We just need to get to the Sea of the Castout,
and the prison is on this little brown island.
We're running out of time.
We need to get to that little brown island
and free Aaravos if we want to keep my dad alive.
It's time to move.
Your dad's sick, Claudia.
We shouldn't move him until he feels better.
Well, he's not going to feel better if he's dead.
You know, you'd think that if dark magic does this to a person,
they might not do it.
It only happens the first time you use dark magic.
If it only happens the first time, why is he sick now?
Well, he was dead. For two years.
Maybe that reset everything somehow?
This is the first time he used it since coming back to life.
Here we go, Aaravos.
Wha-- what's happening?
Maybe if I just...
Oh, come on! Oh!
Sorry! Uh, didn't see you there. I was just...
Do not yell at the rare volumes.
- Uh, no, of course not! I won't-- - Shh!
You have been found guilty of high treason,
but your life has been spared by Queen Janai.
You are stripped of all titles and inheritances,
and you are hereby banished, never to return, under penalty of--
Under penalty of what?
Being banished again?
Under penalty of death.
Wait! Your ring.
You were supposed to be stripped of all possessions.
This? It's not silver or gold, it's worthless to you.
It was given to me by my mother when I was just a child.
It's made of tin.
It belongs to Queen Janai now.
I'm going to find out what happened to you.
It's nailed shut.
What are you doing in here?
Oh, me?
Yes. You.
Uh... Rayla.
I was looking for you. Uh... Callum.
But you weren't here! So we were just...
admiring this painting.
Of the kid holding the sheep.
I don't get it.
Hmm. Me neither.
So how's Mission: Bookworm going?
Super weird actually.
Every time I find something important, it goes blank and blacks out.
There must be some kind of spell
blocking anything about Aaravos or Startouch Elves.
In ancient legends, the Startouch Elves are sometimes called "the First Elves."
Maybe you could try searching for that instead?
Amazing idea. I'll try it.
Well? Did you get it?
There is no synonym for cinnamon. There is no synonym for cinnamon.
- There is no synonym for... - Spice?
I think that might be a synonym for cinnamon.
Ugh. That's not a synonym, Terry. That's a category.
Okay. So you know, in the original native tongue of Earthblood Elves,
there are indeed 17 words that are specific synonyms for cinnamon.
Why are you telling me this? This doesn't help me at all!
Are you trying to break my calming mantra?
I was trying to help.
And you know what?
I have an idea that I think is going to help you manage your anxiety.
You wait here.
I'm already waiting as hard as I can.
- Gah! - Gah!
Rock, rock, stone, rock, stone, stone.
Hmm. This is where he kept you.
If I can figure out how he put you into the cursed coins,
maybe I can find a way to get you out.
Evil jar of eyeballs,
evil jar of toenails,
evil jar of...
peanut butter?
I guess dark mages get snacky too.
Another coin?
You're human.
But who are you?
Runaan's bow.
I love you,
and I haven't forgotten about you.
But... I can't help you yet.
Because right now, the world needs me.
Callum and Ezran need me.
A great evil is trying to return to Xadia, and we have to stop it.
At any cost.
I think this is what you would want me to do.
I love you, and I haven't forgotten about you.
I never will.
Surrender. You're under arrest.
Claudia, I'm back.
And I've got everything you need to de-frazzle.
We're going to calm your anxiety, Earthblood-style.
Soon you'll be feeling like a tree in the springtime...
Ugh, what are you doing?
Aroma therapy.
Smell it. [inhales] Breathe it.
Focus on being present and mindful.
You're sprinkling crushed leaves on my head.
Exactly! Live in this moment.
It's a bag of pebbles.
Not just any pebbles.
Extremely smooth pebbles.
Put your hand in the bag and just squish.
They are smooth.
Bubble poppies. I think you'll find this oddly relaxing.
Ah, yeah. Yeah, I get it. Satisfying.
And finally, I found a fuzzy friend whose unique personality
is sure to soothe away any roiling tempest of anxiety.
Oh, a giant adoraburr?
It's an adora-purr. Go on.
Oh, you're the best, Terry. I feel so much better.
Hello, old friend.
"Bad news."
What's going on?
Why are you sending me notes by crow?
- It's your elf friend, she's in trouble. - What?
What happened to Rayla?
- I've said too much. - Shh!
Opeli. What's going on?
The Moonshadow Elf has been arrested.
I can see that. Let her go.
I think you should know what happened first.
It's not going to matter. But fine. What happened?
- She broke into the High Mage's office. - No, that's crazy.
She can go in there any time she wants.
So... you gave her your key?
No, my key is right here.
The elf stole it.
She's not "the elf."
- She's Rayla. - High Mage...
She broke into the sealed dark magic chambers beneath the castle.
We caught her when she emerged.
And she was hiding a weapon.
So what? She always is.
Not just any weapon.
She was carrying the weapon that was used to kill King Harrow.
Wait... what?
None of this matters.
Don't you want to know what she was up to? Why she did all this?
If she didn't tell me... she has a good reason.
I know this.
The tides are true as the ocean is deep.
What does that mean, Prince Callum?
It means I trust her.
Let her go. Now.
My dad's going to be okay, I know he is.
Somehow when I pet this sweet little guy, I just know everything's going to be fine.
I'm not sure I've ever felt this relaxed in my entire life.
I feel like a puddle of chill.
Blood of child!
Blood of child!
- Blood of child! - No!
Callum, what happened with your key and the bow,
I can explain.
No. I meant what I said.
You don't need to explain or justify anything to me.
You can tell me when you're ready.
Thank you, Callum.
But hopefully soon, I mean, I am curious.
But boundaries. Trust.
So, I found some information on the First Elves.
The information is that all the information on the First Elves
is in the Scrolls of the First Elves.
Super helpful, right?
Wait, I've heard of those.
They keep them in the Great Bookery in Lux Aurea.
Lux Aurea calls their library the Great Bookery?
It actually makes more sense than library.
Yeah, you know, it kind of does.
- Well, good night, Callum. - Good night, Rayla.
Hey. I have a thought.
I'd like to go check out this Great Bookery.
What do you say first thing tomorrow we go to Xadia?
Great Domina Profundis, Archdragon of the Ocean.
I have called you here because...
Who is this child?
He... is a king.
The Archmage Aaravos is trying to escape his magical prison.
His pawns are working, even as we speak,
to find him and release him back into our world.
We need to stop them.
Can you please help us find his prison?
I do not know where it is.
But I do know what it is.